Aug 21, 2021
Review: Swallow The Sea Caravan Theatre - Triptych
One of the first things anyone learns in a primary school art class is the elements of art; things like line, shape, colour, form etc. In...

Oct 22, 2018
Spoiler Alert: Do Reviews Give Away the Surprise?
How much do we care about what will happen? Primarily a product of the dawn of the internet, “spoilers” have become a dreaded fear for...

Oct 22, 2018
Review: Ballyturk (Tron Theatre)
Where are we? What are we? How many legs does a bunny have? All questions that we have asked ourselves at some point, and ones that...

Mar 18, 2018
Review: Scribble (Potocki Paterson Art Gallery)
Performing a show entirely in masks gives a challenge to any physical theatre performance, as the physicality has to be entertaining...

Mar 1, 2018
Review: Watching Paint Dry (Herald Theatre)
If there is ever a title to get audience in seats, it is that one. The brain child of writer and director Anders Falstie-Jensen, we are...