Dec 13, 2018
My Favourite Shows of 2018
OK, OK, so I know it’s become a joke how many critics (film, mostly) produce a list of the best and the worst from their respective...

Mar 26, 2018
Rules and Expectations - Are Fringe Festivals Elitist?
"Every aspect of society sets rules and expectations." That was one of the more insightful quotes from Intervention Theatre's "The World...

Mar 23, 2018
Review: The World We Live In (BATS Theatre)
It is not often that I see two shows back to back that are so similar in concept. Intervention Theatre's "The World We Live In"...

Mar 22, 2018
Review: The Worst People (Gryphon Theatre)
"Urgh, they are the absolute worst." Most of us have probably uttered these words at some point, not necessarily about the worst people...

Mar 20, 2018
Review: Deep South Caesar (Gryphon Theatre)
It is not often that you get to see a one woman show about a man called Greg. Aimee Smith's satirical show follows the life of the...

Mar 20, 2018
Review: The Race (BATS Theatre)
"We can't fix racism in 50 minutes." "No, but we can try." Hobson Street Theatre Company's "The Race" has not set low ambitions for...

Mar 18, 2018
Review: Scribble (Potocki Paterson Art Gallery)
Performing a show entirely in masks gives a challenge to any physical theatre performance, as the physicality has to be entertaining...

Mar 18, 2018
Review: Cull (Gryphon Theatre)
Facebook culling is something I think all of us have done at one point or another (or even on an annual basis); deleting and unfollowing...

Mar 14, 2018
Review: The Nose (BATS Theatre)
Upon first reading, Nikolai Gogol's short story "The Nose" did not immediately strike me as theatrical. And yet, the surreal, comic and...

Mar 13, 2018
Review: 2AM Phone Call (BATS Theatre)
There is a certain rhythmic, hazy quality to being awake at two in the morning. Especially when your reason for being awake at that time...