Mar 2, 2018
Review: The Plastic Orgasm (Lot 23)
"This is not a show. This is an event." While I am not ordinarily a fan of pieces of theatre that consider themselves above the idea of...

Mar 1, 2018
Review: This Is What You Signed Up For (Basement Theatre)
Audience participation can scare some. The step up from that is immersive theatre, in which the atmosphere so strong and frequently...

Feb 28, 2018
Review: Julius Caesar (Pop-Up Globe)
Auckland's Pop-Up Globe is a sight to behold. A scale replica of the London original, the detail that has gone into recreating the...

Feb 22, 2018
Review: Drowning in Milk (Q Loft)
What is the attraction, for a white person and/or a man, of going to a show about why living in a male and white-dominated world is...

Sep 5, 2017
Review: Wild Bore (The Traverse)
Bravo. Well done. Top job. Zoe Coombs Marr, Ursula Martinez, Adrienne Truscott, I would like to hand in my notice. I am defeated. Their...

Aug 17, 2017
Review: NSFW (theSpace on Niddry Street)
Hmm, I wonder if I started featuring topless production photos, whether my male audience will increase. Only really attractive actresses,...

Aug 4, 2017
Review: F*ckboys for Freedom (Sweet on Grassmarket)
Ah, subtlety. What a thing it is. This devised production from Pandorum Theatre Company bids us on what turns out to be an adventure into...

Jun 15, 2017
The Glaring Problem of "Annie Get Your Gun"
Over the last week, I have been helping backstage with costume in my local school’s production of “Annie Get Your Gun”. A lot of hard...

Apr 14, 2017
Review: The Train (The Abbey Theatre)
For better or for worse, there is no better time for feminist theatre than now. Controversy can only work to the benefit of a piece of...

Mar 18, 2017
Review: Expensive Shit (The Lemon Tree)
Well, you gotta appreciate a show that gives you the opportunity to say “Shit” loudly in a bar after your grandmother doesn’t hear you...