Aug 19, 2021
Zumba Gold (Pleasance Courtyard)
There are various professions that require you to put on a performance; teaching, customer service, and, apparently, being a Zumba...

Aug 19, 2021
Review: Smile Like You're Happy (TheSpace Triplex)
When it comes to discussions around social media, theatre tends to lag behind other forms of entertainment. There are exceptions, such as...

Aug 18, 2021
Review: The Winter's Tale (Bard in the Botanics)
There’s something rather paradoxical about The Winter’s Tale being performed in the summer. In this adaptation, the stage is draped in...

Aug 17, 2021
Review: Afterparty (TheSpace Triplex)
Plays about teenagehood usually fall into one of two traps. If they are created by grown-ups, whose visions of their teenage years are...

Aug 14, 2021
Review: Mediocre White Male (Assembly Roxy)
Often in monologues, we learn more about a character the less we hear the actual details of their life. The more you avoid discussing the...

Aug 14, 2021
Review: The Importance of Being...Earnest? (Pleasance at the EICC)
Be warned, this is a dangerous show. It involves no pyrotechnics. It has no elaborate stunts. It doesn’t even feature wild animals. No,...

Aug 14, 2021
Review: Love in the Time of Lockdown (TheSpace @ Surgeons' Hall)
I confess, this year I expected the stages of Edinburgh to be awash with lockdown-related plays this August, but I was wrong. Maybe in a...

Aug 13, 2021
Review: Eugene (Pleasance Courtyard)
Often sci-fi is at its most uncomfortable when it is set in the not too distant future; when the ideas and imagery we are presented with...

Aug 13, 2021
Review: Granny Smith (French Institute in Scotland)
For anyone who studies theatre, or takes an academic interest at least, almost all performances are an opportunity to learn. Sometimes...

Aug 12, 2021
Review: You Choose (Assembly George Square)
What happens when the limitless realms of imagination meet the constraints of the theatre? One of the difficulties of live performance is...