Feb 14, 2020
Review: The Secret Garden (Tron Theatre Glasgow)
The Secret Garden, the classic British children’s novel, is a little less British than people might think. It was first published as...

Jan 28, 2020
Review: God of Carnage (Theatre Royal Glasgow)
Often when we go to the theatre, we come to see dramatic battles, epic rivalries, and stories of grandeur that far exceed the petty drama...

Jan 18, 2020
Billionaire Boy (King's Theatre Glasgow)
What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word “billionaire”? Celebrity? Technology? Taxes? But as a child, the idea of being...

Jan 18, 2020
My Least Favourite Shows of 2019
To open a negative article I will start on a positive note. This was a fairly easy list to compile. I have seen a fair few shows this...

Dec 27, 2019
My Favourite Shows of 2019
Christmas TV specials aren’t really my thing. Rehashed Christmas movie formulas (with some select exceptions) don’t do it for me either....

Nov 26, 2019
Review: Frankenstein (Theatre Royal Glasgow)
It’s been a busy year for old Frankenstein and his monster. This is the third production I’ve seen this year, and there have been a...

Nov 16, 2019
Review: The Snowman (Theatre Royal Glasgow)
Even though the animated classic is a Christmas staple, the thing that we all remember most from The Snowman is the iconic song “Walking...

Oct 29, 2019
Review: The Mousetrap (Theatre Royal Glasgow)
Ironically, there’s something very reliable about a big-theatre mystery. For all the suspense and suspicion, you can be sure there will...

Sep 19, 2019
Review: The Exorcist (Theatre Royal Glasgow)
Horrifying your audience is easier when they are trapped in a small space. We’re practically begging to be snuck up on. In a big venue...

Sep 4, 2019
Review: Sh!t Theatre Drink Rum with Expats (Summerhall)
Expat (noun): a person who lives outside their native country. In Louise Mothersole and Rebecca Biscuit’s self-described documentary...