Jan 2, 2019
Review: Hadestown (Olivier Theatre)
Greek influence on theatre is beyond question, but when it comes to the modern musical it’s not something that is explored often....

Dec 30, 2018
My Least Favourite Show of 2018
It may seem cruel to “name and shame” what I thought were the worst shows of the year, but I don’t write this with the intention of...

Dec 13, 2018
My Favourite Shows of 2018
OK, OK, so I know it’s become a joke how many critics (film, mostly) produce a list of the best and the worst from their respective...

Nov 22, 2018
Review: The Madness of King George III (Nottingham Playhouse)
A king losing his sanity and a conspiracy from his offspring to take over the throne, we’ve heard this before, haven’t we? The National’s...

Oct 22, 2018
Spoiler Alert: Do Reviews Give Away the Surprise?
How much do we care about what will happen? Primarily a product of the dawn of the internet, “spoilers” have become a dreaded fear for...

Oct 22, 2018
Review: Ballyturk (Tron Theatre)
Where are we? What are we? How many legs does a bunny have? All questions that we have asked ourselves at some point, and ones that...

Aug 16, 2018
Review: Romeo and Juliet (Zoo Charteris)
“Never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” Perhaps, but there can be an awful lot of despair that comes with...
Aug 11, 2018
A Note on the Fringe
Greetings cherished readers, Having now returned to Scotland after my year away, I am very happy to say that I will soon be moving to...

Aug 7, 2018
Review: Seed (BATS Theatre)
With New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern currently on maternity leave, becoming the first elected leader ever to do so, this...

Jul 12, 2018
Review: Jekyll & Hyde (Isaac Theatre Royal)
I can't say I have encountered many theatre companies that stick to a strict formula. Yet, when I heard that A Slightly Isolated Dog were...