Aug 18, 2019
Review: High Trees (Greenside at Nicholson Square)
With city-centre space being the rare commodity it is during August, it’s unsurprising that most performers find themselves in black...

Dec 13, 2018
My Favourite Shows of 2018
OK, OK, so I know it’s become a joke how many critics (film, mostly) produce a list of the best and the worst from their respective...

Aug 16, 2018
Review: Romeo and Juliet (Zoo Charteris)
“Never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” Perhaps, but there can be an awful lot of despair that comes with...

Oct 3, 2017
Review: Stand By (The Lemon Tree)
Once the fringe is over, some shows continue to perform at smaller venues until they finally splutter out and go their separate ways....

Sep 14, 2017
Review: Medea on Media (C)
When is a production of Medea not a production of Medea? Apparently, when the Koreans do it. Theatre group Seongbukdong Beedoolkee have...

Sep 12, 2017
Review: My Pet, My Love (C Royal)
With the number of people with dementia growing year on year, estimated at around 50 million this year, a one-man show that is not only...

Sep 8, 2017
Review: Mies Julie (Assembly Rooms)
Adaptations in new settings can change an entire production. Sometimes you can take a Shakespeare play, for example, set it in post-World...

Sep 6, 2017
Review: Lord Dismiss Us (theSpace @ Surgeons' Hall)
Greetings to you, ladies and gentlemen, and a warm welcome to this review of “Lord Dismiss Us”, which is being performed by a fine cast...

Sep 5, 2017
Review: Wild Bore (The Traverse)
Bravo. Well done. Top job. Zoe Coombs Marr, Ursula Martinez, Adrienne Truscott, I would like to hand in my notice. I am defeated. Their...

Sep 2, 2017
Review: Seance (Summerhall)
What’s that? No production photo? No, you must be mistaken, my dear. That’s it. That’s what “Séance” looks like. That’s what it looks...